Here is the old emoji table. This is how emojis appeared in Facebook statuses and comments before the Facebook Emoji 2.0 update in February 2017. After the update, emojis got redesigned and their number increased to more than 1500. You can check the new list here.
In chat messages on Facebook, aka Messenger, emojis now have different design than their counterparts in posts and comments. So if the same emoji code is pasted within a post or a comment, the emoji appearance will be slightly different than in a message.
To post these emojis, copy their codes beneath the icons and use them with Paste option.

We are surely going to miss these little fellas, they were super-cute and made Facebook a lot more cheerful place. But new designs of emojis on Facebook and Messenger are stunning, and with so many newly added icons they are really fun to use. All these emoji codes from table still work after the update, just emojis have a new appearance.
These old designs may still be available to some users, considering that updates on Facebook sometimes take months to show to all of its users worldwide.
Below is the updated list of emojis, simply click on emoji icons and their codes will be instantly copied. Use the Search option to quickly find any emoji you are looking for.
Let us know in comments what you like and what you don't like about the new emojis.