Football and soccer fans have come to the right place, indeed! We have a wide assortment of sporting emoticons that represent your favorite teams and clubs. You can take your pick and show your support like a wonderfully loyal fan when you send them.
You can give a shout out to your favorite team or even engage in a little friendly and fun sporting rivalry just to make things interesting! These sporty cool emoticons will be just right for you when you talking about game day.
Each of our football and soccer emoticons is easy to send to Facebook! Just click Send button and follow the instructions.
World Cup Emoticons

Football Badges
If you love Football and soccer, our sporty emoticons for Facebook will be so much fun to use and share with your pals. Post them on your wall so your friends will know where your allegiance stands!
Don’t forget, within each gallery we have a wide selection of awesome smileys and emoticons for you to enjoy on Facebook. When you find ones you love, be sure to hit their ‘like’ button so we know your favorites! Tell us how our emoticons brightened someone’s day or helped you express something on your mind. When you follow us you’ll easily find out about new updates to our galleries. We love to design emoticons so you’re sure to hear about new additions to our fabulous collections.
Don’t forget to share our Facebook page either! That way your friends can find out about our fun emoticons too! We have them for just about every feeling under the sun and smileys that will suit nearly any situation! You’ll never be at a loss for what to say or post again! Our smileys will help you convey exactly how you feel whether you’re on a desktop computer, your laptop, tablet, or even your smart phone! We’ve got you covered with all your smiley and emoticon needs! You can start having fun right away!